Beavercreek’s Project Kona celebrates first tenant

Synergy & Mills Development image.

Synergy & Mills Development image.

Beavercreek’s “Project Kona” is celebrating its first tenant, a Kettering company.

Developer Synergy said n-ask, Inc. (or simply “NASK”) will move from the Miami Valley Research Park to become the first tenant for Project Kona, a 44,000 square-foot two-story building off Colonel Glenn Highway, minutes from Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

NASK will occupy the second floor, leaving 22,000 square feet still available on the first floor for future tenants, Synergy said.

Beavercreek City Council approved the Kona site plan in December. The project is located on the southwest corner of Colonel Glenn and Eastside Drive.

“We are excited to help facilitate NASK’s relocation and expansion in the Wright Patterson Air Force Base market and welcome them as our first tenant in Project Kona,” said Synergy Vice President John Kopilchack.

Project Kona construction. Synergy & Mills photo

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“The Project Kona initiative offers NASK a strategic opportunity to grow its local workforce while providing easy access to the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), our key customers” at Wright-Patterson, said n-ask Chief Operating Officer Randal Barber.

NASK services the intelligence and defense communities, from Ohio and corporate offices in Virginia and Colorado.

Project Kona and its four-story counterpart, Project Rainier, sit on 20 acres acquired by Synergy in 2021, at the height of pandemic-induced work-from-home uncertainty.

Project Kona, which will be completed in the first quarter of 2026, represents the sixth building Synergy has built in past five years in support of the defense industry, totaling more than 350,000 square feet, said Kopilchack.

“With the 22,000 square feet of speculative space in Project Kona, with Project Rainier and now with the recently announced Convergence Research Center, Synergy remains willing and capable to stay one building ahead of the market demand for the defense industry supporting WPAFB," he said.

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